Register With UKCS Online

Please complete your details below and click the Register button to continue. Your contact details will only be used to send you notifications such as password reminders. Please add to your email contacts and spam filter allowlist to help ensure our emails don’t get marked as spam.

If you’ve previously used another Talking Slides Site, please register using your existing details.

If you have any problems registering, please contact us for help.


Your sign-in details and other notifications will be sent to your email address.
Please choose a password to use when signing into Talking Slides in conjunction with the email address above. The password must be at least 8 characters and ideally a mix of uppercase, lowercase, digits and symbols (but not spaces) to make sure it can’t easily be guessed. Please enter it in both boxes to confirm you’ve typed it correctly.
Please enter a phrase that would help you remember the above password. We’ll send you this reminder if you forget your password.

To prove you’re human and not a spam robot, please answer the following simple question before submitting your registration form.


If you’ve previously used a Talking Slides Site from 2015 onwards with another organisation, please click the Register Using Existing Details button to sign in and register on this Site.